EclipseFX III

Elden Ring Mods |

EclipseFX III

A bright, colourful, and cinematic ReShade Preset for Elden Ring.

What this preset is

This is a cinematic, stylised, ReShade preset for Elden Ring, aiming to inject some colour in this game, and make areas where the sun is bright, actually bright, and areas with few light sources actually dark. I loosely based this preset on the REVENANT RESHADE preset by phrozac

What this preset isn’t

This preset is not trying to be “realistic”, “natural”, or “subtle” in any way whatsoever. This preset aims for a highly stylised look, like pretty much all of my other presets.


Install reshade the usual way and just extract the zip file of the preset into the directory where eldenring.exe is located. When in game, press the HOME key on your keyboard, and in the drop-down menu, select the EclipseFX3.ini, check the box in the bottom right that says “Performance Mode”, and you’re done.

Things to note

  • This preset is basically 90%. There is the possibility of some areas looking a little too dark, but I will try to adjust the preset if I discover such areas(I don’t I’m even halfway through the game). I welcome any feedback regarding this possible issue.
  • This preset was made with ReShade 4.9.1, so if you encounter issues, try using this version.
  • I’m not sure if the preset has a big performance hit or not, since my RX 6700XT plays the game at a locked 60fps with or without it.
  • You might have to adjust your game gamma/brigtness to get the most out of this preset on your monitor.

Credits: yordan
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Elden Ring Mods are revolutionizing the gaming experience, transforming it from ordinary to exceptional. For many players, these Mods are an exhilarating boost. However, if you're uncertain about their function, allow us to enlighten you. At their core, each Elden Ring EclipseFX III Mod is a meticulously crafted tool designed to adjust and elevate the game to your unique preferences. Do the default colors, sounds, or textures not align with your tastes? These mods can change that. Are you yearning for a broader arsenal of weapons, expansive maps, or more captivating visuals? Elden Ring Mods have the answers. Now, here's the most enticing part: every modification, every Elden Ring Mod is available at zero cost on the Elden Ring Mods PC platform. By this point, the sheer potential of integrating an Elden Ring EclipseFX III Mod into your PC gaming experience should be evident. So, why remain content with the basic version when a vast universe of customization awaits? Seize this golden opportunity, dive deep into the Elden Ring Mods universe, and sculpt your gameplay experience. After all, every gamer deserves the unmatched joy of a game that feels truly their own.

Useful Information:
- How to Install Elden Ring Mods
- Elden Ring Cheat Table
- Elden Mod Loader
- Elden Ring System Requirements

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