Hold 2-handed sacred seal with standard posture

Elden Ring Mods |

Hold 2-handed sacred seal with standard posture

Now you can sheath your weapon and walk around with arms free and still be able to cast magic!

Being able to cast magic while having my weapon sheathed was something I wished for a very long time, both in Skyrim and here. Recently I was tweaking with Yapped Rune Bear discovering some things to mod for my latest playthrough and found this simple param change that let it do exactly what I always wanted. So since nobody uploaded this, here it is!

What this mod change?
Normally, when you 2-hand your weapon while holding nothing on the slot, you sheath your equipped weapon on the other hand and dual stance your hands, which can give a nice look to your character when you’re just traveling and not in combat. However, if you’re holding anything on this hand slot, you will hold it with 2 hands, even if it’s something very small like the sacred seals. You’ll assume a posture of holding your right hand with your left and do some blunt attacks with the strong attack button. You can still cast magic like this but, at least for me, doesn’t give a nice look while traveling on foot.

This mod changes the posture of 2-handing a sacred seal into the standard posture of holding it. So now you can sheath your weapon and walk through your travels like you were holding nothing but a discrete seal in your hand, still able to cast magic. Considering the Finger Seal, you won’t even see it through your character’s hand most of the time!

Some considerations
I believe it’s also possible to do the same with any staff for sorceries, but the point of this mod was to give a discrete look while traveling, so I dismissed holding staves in this upload. In the future, I plan to do an upgrade of this mod, testing every possibility with other equipment that goes on the weapon slot, like torches.

For a technical explanation, the main modification here is just one parameter in the row of every sacred seal. I just changed the value of “Weapon Motion Position – 2H” from 10, the value for the sacred seal’s standard 2-handed posture, to 0, the same value for the 1-handed posture of most light weapons like swords or even the sacred seal. In other words, the mod puts the 1-handed posture while holding the sacred seal with 2 hands. It’s not a sophisticated mod, it doesn’t even change the attack animation, although something that can be done is to fill the “Special Motion Category” column in Yapped with some value like the one from Cipher Pata, which gives it a dual-wield hands attack. As far as I know, this same mod can be made to any other weapon.

This is the first mod that I have ever shared with the public. Although it’s a very simple mod with nothing sophisticated, nobody shared it here yet, so I decided to upload it myself. I’m still discovering new things on Yapped, like where to swap attack animations, etc., things that I want so bad to mod in the game. If I find any other interesting things nobody has done it yet, I’ll gladly share them through new uploads here.

For some reason, I completely missed Troll Axethrower’s Swordsmanship mod when I was searching about other combat stance mods, surprisingly since I already knew about Art of Tomoe. Thanks JohnnoirAtlas619 for pointing out. Watching his latest preview videos reminds me of other goals that I want to mod in Elden Ring. One goal is to have a one-handed combat animation but still being able to block, like in Skyrim. Different from his v4.03 preview video, where he uses the 2-handed attack animation despite having a one-handed stance, more similar to Sekiro. My other goal is to have a standard posture while 2-handing a shield, in other words, a complete sheath posture again like in Skyrim. That was my main goal from the start, by the way. First I basically tried to swap the postures (one-handed to 2-handed), but the player just holds the shield in the right hand. That’s when I got the idea to do this for the sacred seal to deal with my third goal, which was being able to cast magic while sheathed. I can’t say if it’s possible to do all these things through params, maybe I’ll have to start tweaking with the animation editors to solve this. But at least, 1 goal of 3 done!


The download file contains both the regulation.bin and EquipParamWeapon.csv required for Yapped Rune Bear. To install it, you can either:

  • Replace it with the new regulation.bin, overwriting any other mod that already replaces regulation.bin like Performance Boost or modded Spirit Summons,
  • or patch the file you already have with Yapped Rune Bear using the csv, merging with other mods that don’t replace the same table from this csv.

This mod edits the regulation.bin file from the “Game” folder, so as always, you cannot and you should not play online with this mod! Although EAC deactivates online when you open the game with a modded regulation.bin, you should disable EAC entirely to ensure your safety and avoid any ban.

WARNING: Don’t forget to backup and save your original regulation.bin before installing any of the options! Also remember, if you lost it for some reason, you can recover it by running “integrity check” on your files through Steam, it may take some while to finish the process, but doing a backup will cost you 1 second to restore.


I made some installation steps if you never installed any regulation.bin mod before. Check below!

Installation steps for option 1 (if you chose and did option 2, you don’t have to do this):

  1. Extract the regulation.bin file from the zip you downloaded,
  2. Copy and paste the new regulation.bin into your “Game” folder and overwrite if prompted. I hope you read the green text above before doing this step!

Installation steps for option 2 (if you chose and did option 1, you don’t have to do this):

  1. Download the latest release of Yapped Rune Bear and extract it anywhere on your PC,
  2. Extract the EquipParamWeapon.csv file from the zip you downloaded,
  3. Copy and paste the file into your Yapped folder in Projects > ExampleMod > CSV > ER,
  4. Run Yapped-Rune-Bear.exe,
  5. Click File > Open, select your regulation.bin file from your “Game” folder and click Field Data > Import Stock Row Names (to be honest, I’m not sure if this last one is required, but did it anyway to be sure) and wait the loading,
  6. On the left window (Param), click on “EquipParamWeapon” to highlight it (you can quickly find it by searching on the text box above and clicking Apply),
  7. Click Field Data > Import Data and wait the loading,
  8. Click File > Save. I hope you read the green text above before doing this step!

Credits: KDOXG
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Elden Ring Mods are revolutionizing the gaming experience, transforming it from ordinary to exceptional. For many players, these Mods are an exhilarating boost. However, if you're uncertain about their function, allow us to enlighten you. At their core, each Elden Ring Hold 2-handed sacred seal with standard posture Mod is a meticulously crafted tool designed to adjust and elevate the game to your unique preferences. Do the default colors, sounds, or textures not align with your tastes? These mods can change that. Are you yearning for a broader arsenal of weapons, expansive maps, or more captivating visuals? Elden Ring Mods have the answers. Now, here's the most enticing part: every modification, every Elden Ring Mod is available at zero cost on the Elden Ring Mods PC platform. By this point, the sheer potential of integrating an Elden Ring Hold 2-handed sacred seal with standard posture Mod into your PC gaming experience should be evident. So, why remain content with the basic version when a vast universe of customization awaits? Seize this golden opportunity, dive deep into the Elden Ring Mods universe, and sculpt your gameplay experience. After all, every gamer deserves the unmatched joy of a game that feels truly their own.

Useful Information:
- How to Install Elden Ring Mods
- Elden Ring Cheat Table
- Elden Mod Loader
- Elden Ring System Requirements

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